Monday, April 18, 2011

The Fountain of Youth

So recently I have noticed that many people perceive me as being a lot younger than I am, which in and of itself is not a bad thing, just sometimes a little aggravating.  I know you are all thinking “when could that possibly be a bad thing?”…well, recently I went to the local elementary school to get the paperwork to register my daughter for Kindergarten.  That woman behind the desk looked at me like I was a teen-mom or something…she actually said something like “you have a 4 year old?”.   YES, I have a 4 year old…I have been married for 5 years…I own one of the biggest model homes in this neighborhood…What the hell lady?  Most of the time I don’t really care if people think that I am younger than I am, think whatever you want.  But there are times where people don’t take me seriously because they perceive me as being so young.  Yeah, I got married later and I had my kids later, and probably my next child will be considered high risk just based on my age…but I also have a college degree and have lived through some really rough points in life.  I would hope that I have a little more life experience to give to my children and husband.

Anyway this has had me thinking about what I have done in my life to remain so young.  I think that I have the answer, at least for me.  I think people should spend more time in the toy aisles and less time in housewares!!  My husband and I have this in common above all else.  When we decided to get married he collected Transformers toys, his sister had told him to get rid of all of that stuff and get contacts…I told him that if he got rid of those Transformers I would physically hurt him.  This man has an original Optimas Prime still in its box, and I won’t even go into how much that is worth.  I collected Legos, and have since I was a child.  I buy him Transformers and he bought me a lifetime pass to Legoland…we take our children and friends all the time.  We still go to the toy aisles in stores…we use the excuse that we have children, but the real reason is because we love toys.  There is a child-like joy in getting a new toy, in breaking open that box for the first time, the way it smells, and that joy and innocence in playing with it for the first time.  When I take my children to get a Happy Meal I buy one for myself, not for the food because the food there makes me sick most of the time, I buy it for the toy.  That’s right, I just said it, I buy it for the toy!  I have boxes in my garage full of old McDonalds toys, and I love them!!

Years ago I had a whole lot of people telling me that I was too old to be playing with toys.  I think there is some bible verse that talks about giving up the things of childhood…how is my eternal salvation affected by my love of toys?  I always perceived that verse to be referring to thinking and acting childish, as Christ told us to become as little children…innocent and humble and loving.  I was around 18 then and everyone perceived me not to be growing up, though I was working full-time and making money…I guess they didn’t like how I spent it, but it was mine!  This piece of advice was put into words for me by my bishop at the time, a man I greatly respected both then and now.  But look at me now, I’m all grown up and responsible.  I am married, I have 2 children, both are healthy and well adjusted; we own our own home, it is 6 bedrooms and is 3000 square feet; we pay our own bills and the kids are fed and clothed and clean.  We have a dog and we own 2 used cars, we are officially middle-class citizens.  What is the big freakin’ issue?  If we decide to spend money each month on our little “toys”.  Other people buy movies, boats, cars, and any other “acceptable” fun.  I maintain that this (spending more time in the toy aisles) is what has kept me young; this is what is going to continue to keep me young for the rest of my life!  This is the fountain of youth friends!  This is what makes life worth living and enjoying!  Look at your kids, and play with that same vigor and innocence that they have.
      I am going to make a list of things that I do that are extremely child-like, for all of you to consider in your own lives…may be it will help you feel as young as you want to be perceived as being…just a thought!
      1.  The next time you open a new box of crayons for your kids, smell them.  Yes, there is a smell and you can only really appreciate it when it is first opened.

      2.  The next time you go to Target or Wal-Mart to do your shopping, walk through the toy aisles…all of them.  Look at the toys and think about what it was like when you got a brand new toy as a child…think about what it would be like to open that box for you.
     3. Get really excited over a new animated movie.  The last one I got really excited about was Tangled, and I loved it and then loved it even more when I showed it to my daughter.  I own tons of Disney movies, not for my children, for ME.

      4.  Watch cartoons with your children, show them what you watched as a child.  My daughter watched all the Voltron lions, she watches the Pink Panther, She-Ra, and all sorts of other classic toons.  Trust me, they have your favorite on DVD now, it is the in thing to have.  Watch some of the new stuff too, I love to watch Wow Wow Wubbzy with my daughter…it is one of my favorites, and I could seriously watch it all day!

       5.  Play a video game…anyone you want, but play one!  Those classics are in too, trust me you can get whatever it is you used to love and play it again.  Hello!  Wii virtual console games!!  I play games every night to wind down before I go to sleep.  Put a casual game on your computer or laptop, and if I may make a suggestion, Plants Vs. Zombies.  It was game of the year last year, and they have it on every system available, including your iphones for only $3.  Download it and play, it is an awesome game!

     6.  Hug a stuffed animal, breathe it in, close your eyes…there is a comfort that only a teddy bear can give.  You remember…and it’s ok!  I sleep with a 2 foot alligator named Sam that my husband gave me on a date a few months ago.

      7.  The next time you take a bubble bath or a bath just to relax, get a rubber duckie and have him float with you.  This is one of life’s simple joys, and no matter where I have ever lived I have always had a rubber duckie on the tub.  Ernie was right people!  Rubber duckie, you’re the one!!

     8.  Eat milk and cookies…don’t just eat the cookies, enjoy them!  Find your favorite and really enjoy them, make happy mouth sounds when you eat them.  One of the things that my husband used to do all the time was when he would go by the bakery in the store (back when they gave free samples) on his break, he would sing “C is for Cookie” as he walked through the store…all the bakery ladies have loved this!!

     9.  Put a children’s song in your favorites playlist on your ipod…I believe I have one called Willy was a Whale…I heard it on Noggin a couple of years ago and I just loved it, so I downloaded it.
     10.  Read a children’s book, and keep it in your library forever!  My mother still has her favorite children’s books, and they have their home next to all her “adult type” books on her bookshelves.  One of my recent favorite children’s books is a book called “Piggie Pie”.  I almost get giddy when Casey asks me to read it to her.  And seriously, if your house doesn’t have at least 1 Dr Seuss book, then you are just pitiful!!  Remedy it and knock at least 5 years off!!

      11.  When was the last time you played a game?  Like a board game or card game…and NOT with your kids?  The next time your kids go to bed, pull out Monopoly and have a roaring game with your spouse…date night!!!  My husband taught me how to play Magic before we were married and we have continued playing ever since.  If we can we break out the Magic cards after the kids go to bed! 

      12.  Play with your food…not in front of your children…when they are not around.  Drink chocolate milk through a straw and blow bubbles in it.  Make your food into smiley faces and whatnot on your plate…food tastes better when it’s fun!!

      13.  When was the last time you had a tickle fight with your spouse?  Of course this could lead to adult fun…but…have some real fun and chase each other around the house!  Get the kids involved and the dog too…everyone can enjoy this.

These are things that I do all the time…I learned a long time ago that if you don’t learn to take time to enjoy life’s simple joys, then this life will eat you alive after a while.  Life is filled with sadness and tough times that will get to you eventually, but if you have a way to see certain aspects of it through child-like eyes, then those times won’t be so bad.  Nothing can take away the responsibilities we have as parents and spouses, but why do we have to take ourselves so seriously?  If the job that is appointed to you is getting done, then stop worrying and enjoy life!  God gave us this earth to enjoy and experience, don’t forget to appreciate what He gave to us.  Think about the attributes of a child and espouse them…submissive, meek, humble, teachable, loving, honest, and innocent…make your own list and make them a part of your life.  This truly is the fountain of youth, and we have the opportunity to drink from it every day, but only if we choose to.  Choice is the key, you choose to remain young or you choose to get old.  What will your choice be?


  1. Love every word of it! I am going to take some of your advice--I'm already obsessed with kids' movies and TV shows and would rather watch those than "grown-up" movies. Now I need to do some more items from your list. Words of wisdom, Cristy!

  2. Thank you so much, I had a lot of fun writing this one!!
