Friday, December 28, 2012

The Year 2012

So…a year in review…I’m not sure it is wise to review the last year, nor do I think there are words to do such, but here goes:
January brought headlice, which I fought valiantly for 6 weeks!  It was wretched, the laundry and the cleaning and the laundry and the spraying and the laundry, I think I covered that.  I also fell down our stairs and sprained my foot and ankle really bad…bringing about a long period of time on painkillers.
February brought my husband’s anniversary check and we got ourselves a new mattress and box set, the old one was poking me in the side!  We also sold the extra car we had and changed our cell phone provider so that we could afford to both get iPhones.  Our young man also turned 2 years old and we got him a giant dump truck, something every boy needs!
March I don’t remember too well…except that we saw The Lorax and The Hunger Games.
April brought Easter and one of the gifts my son got was a bright orange sticky octopus, Casey threw it at the ceiling where it stuck and has been EVER since.  I figure I will take it down next Easter in commemoration.  I also began to truly see the difference between boys and girls…and the very destructive capabilities boys have.
May began with Ryan Jr’s evaluation for a speech problem…he didn’t talk at all, and therapy started.  $60 more had to be put out every week for gas and co-payment, not really affordable, but necessary.  We also discovered fleas on Matt’s dog Buddy, so all the pets had to be bathed and the carpets sprayed.  This was also when my stomach stopped processing food…any and all food.
June brought a futon…Matt decided we needed one at the end of our bed so we had something to sit upon when we watched movies.  My birthday brought the discovery that our Xbox couldn’t play certain new games, Microsoft told me to buy a new one…NO!  Little Ryan also changed to a big boy bed, with no problems.  My diet was altered to a liquid only until the proper tests were performed to figure out the digestion problem.  My Dad also had a cardiac event which is what started the looking at his heart tests. 
July began with Casey’s swimming lessons and getting an iPad for Ryan Jr to help with his therapy.  We attempted a yard sale, which we will never do again, only made $60 which went to getting Ryan apps.  I had many tests performed on my body, including a tube into my stomach…which came back as extreme gastritis, no bacteria or cancer. 
August started with a 2 week treatment of a ton of pills a day…thankfully it worked and I was able to gradually start eating again.  Casey started the first grade and going to school all day, she loves it so much!  I also had to have a guard made for my teeth to wear at night because I was grinding my teeth.  The month ended with my Dad having a quadruple bypass…he is 74 years old.
September started with my Dad coming home with a traveling oxygen tank…and a generator at the house.  Ryan’s diagnosis was finally made…Childhood Apraxia of Speech…this is going to take a while.  We also got a letter from the City of San Jacinto telling us that our yard was in “severe disrepair” and that we needed to make it better by the middle of October or be fined.
October started with my husband’s car breaking down…discovery of a sprinkler line being broken…and 2 slipped discs in my back.  I was given more than 5 steroid shots in my back.  We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary and Casey lost her first tooth.  For Halloween we had a butterfly and a Thor, and a lot of fun trick or treating.
November brought Casey’s 6th birthday, she got a scooter.  We discovered in an awful way that my Dad’s cat was murdered.  My son started refusing to take a bath and the dog was really depressed for a while.  Thanksgiving week brought the flu, my sister, and extreme mourning. 
December has consisted of 2 kidney stones, extreme pain killers, 2 shots in the pelvic region, and seeing the Hobbit twice.  We also discovered Wal Mart’s crappy attempt at layaway, which ended on the 14th of December…really?!  We had Santa come and do his job and the kids came away happy.  Casey also lost her 2nd tooth…and we come to the end of another year.
 As I have looked back on this year I begin to fully understand why I have come to stand on the threshold of Hell…this was a hard year for me and my family.  I have learned volumes, mainly surrounding how important it is to endure to the end while trying with all you can muster to see the positive things in your life.  I feel as though I have aged 10 years this year, and my body and mind are showing the wear.  I try even here at the end to look back and see the good things that have happened…I will admit that it is really hard for me right now, but I am trying.  The Lord has blessed us with an enormous amount of strength to go with our trials, and I can see that strength in my family.  My Dad looks better now than he has looked in 10 years, even if he does have an 18 inch scar on his chest.  My little boy is starting to say words, and my daughter is reading.  My Mom has survived waiting while the love of her life was cut open with a power tool, and she remains positive.  My husband and I have, through it all, bettered our marriage and remain deeply and may be more passionately in love than ever.  I may be standing on the threshold of Hell, but I know where I am and am stronger for it.  Here’s to Hell and life and the reality that they bring.  And here’s to the ultimate strength we have because we stand there.

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