Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year Jordan Family…

Written on Saturday January 7th
After spending a great deal of time reflecting on last year, and probably the worst year of our lives, here I sit on the 1 year anniversary of the tragedy that started last year’s series of awfulness.  1 year ago today Jasone killed himself, there it is…said…BAM!  My husband and I have spent the last month or so praying most fervently that 2012 won’t be so bad, and after today I have made the monumental decision that we are not going to celebrate the new year until Chinese New Year comes around…and I think I am going to make this into a family tradition that we will do every year from now on.  But let me tell you why…
 For around a month now the upper part of my legs have been numb, and by numb I mean that I can’t distinguish soft touch from a sharp touch like a pin…they all feel soft to me.  We have a very dear friend who is a Dr., so I posed the problem to him and after a short exam he thought my back was out of whack and that I needed to see a Chiropractor.  I also have had an increasing concern about my tailbone since my son was born almost 2 years ago, as it moves in and out willy nilly, which hasn't caused too much pain until recently.  I went to the Chiropractor yesterday, and after a very thorough exam she declared the tailbone broken and an urgent need to see a neurologist to see about the numbness in my legs.  Apparently my tailbone was broken in the process of birthing my son, this could be why he had that mark on his forehead for like 9 months!  I won’t even go into what the Chiropractor told me to do to help relieve the pain that is currently a bane in my life.
 So after being tortured at the chiropractor’s office…she moved the tailbone back where it is supposed to be…I came limping home and took advantage of some pain meds I had left from my surgery.  I managed to get my kids in bed after burning rice crispy treats, where I had the opportunity to look at my daughter’s hair.  I had noticed earlier in the day that she was itching a lot and I wondered what was going on…headlice.  HOLY CRAP and GREAT GOOGALLY-MOOGALLY!  Where in the world did she pick this up?!  She has not been in school for 3 weeks now, I brushed and braided her hair before we went to Legoland last Friday, and I didn’t see them when I took her braids out and washed her hair on Monday.  Suddenly I realized…Aunt Angie took her to McDonalds play place on Tuesday…this had to be it because we didn’t leave the house really after this.  After speaking to Angie she remembered seeing a kid that she wondered about…McDonalds has just become the enemy! 
 Last night I cleaned Rite Aid out of their lice disinfecting supplies, as there are 4 adults in this house and 2 children…and we all have hair!  This morning started off with lice treatments on everyone…and the laundry started even before I was out of bed.  Mom has done around 6 to 10 loads of laundry at this point and it is only 5pm…and the laundry room is still full!  The couches have been sprayed, all the beds have been sprayed, and I have done the most horrible thing a mom can do to her daughter…took her stuffed toys away.   About 5 have been washed, including Pooh, and the rest are going to be in the garage for 2 weeks.  The crying was awful today, it almost broke me when I heard her ask why I was taking all her friends away. 
 This child has more stuffed animals than Princess Candy on her best day!  If you don’t know, she is from Dave the Barbarian and she has a tower full of stuffed toys.  But even with all of them, she has named each and every one of them and they all play with her.  Ryan was actually swimming in them a few weeks ago when they were spread in the play room.  My husband went and got her a new pillow pet today because she has been such a trooper today…it is Pooh Bear.
We also had to cut her hair…this is when momma cried big tears.  I have it in a baggie and I have been carrying it around all day, occasionally crying about it.  Needless to say I have had a really bad day today!  I have vacuumed under our couches and in every room upstairs…exhaustion has officially set in.  I have decided that I am grateful to Satan for forcing me into early spring cleaning…Yes, you read that right.   Here’s to you Satan, for being your regular self and believing that if you put me under enough pressure I will walk away from God and the gospel.  TTBBBBTTTTBBB!!!! 


  1. Wow! January sounds like its a pretty sucky month for you guys! Hang in there, let me know if there is something that I can do to help. Good to know about McDonalds, another reason I can tell my kids why I dont like them playing there!

  2. Yeah...I am pretty sure that we won't be going back there anytime soon...or ever!
