Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Ryane!

 So for a couple of weeks now I have been wondering and asking Ryane what I could make him for his birthday.  He just got that pathetic look on his face and say “nothing”.  I offered to make him a sprite, any one he wanted, and I haven’t made one for over a year now…still the answer was “no…not a sprite”.  He was really beginning to anger me.  The night before his birthday I was searching the internet for something and came across a blog where someone made a “candy cake” for New Years or something.  *Light-bulb*  Off I ran to spend what cash I had left in my bag to get the foam…candy I have, LOTS of it!
 So here it is…a birthday cake for my husband!  He loves it so much that we had to take it over to his mom’s house when we visited, and he took it with him to work today so show it off.  I asked him when he was going to start eating it, and he said he was thinking of keeping it forever…silly boy!
 My husband works at a grocery store and is good friends with the receiver who does the markdowns.  After Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas candy is always on markdowns because they can’t keep it and they can’t send it back.  So we have a box full of candy in the garage…so this was the perfect thing for me to make him. 
All I had to buy was the Styrofoam and cut out the circles for the form, and borrow a low temp glue gun from Angie.  When both Ryans were sleeping I sat at the table and glued for my life Charlie Brown!  After about an hour I decided that I needed a lazy susan so I could turn it with one hand and glue with the other.
 Overall I had a great time and my husband says that it is the best birthday cake he has ever had!!  Here’s to you hon, may you remember and love it forever! 

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