Monday, November 7, 2011

Casey Bug turns Big 5

 After a not so good month of October, including boils and smoke alarms going off in the middle of the night…we have moved on into November, which is only just begun and is not stress free.
 On Halloween Casey and I went early in the morning to have the vampires take her blood, which as always was followed by a reward of powdered donuts!  She was a little late to school, but I told her that because it was Halloween she could tell everyone that she was attacked by vampires.  We ended up that evening going Trick or Treating with some friends from the ward, Little Ryan only lasted about 40 min before falling asleep, but overall a grand time was had by all!
 My Casey-Bug turned 5 years old on the 2nd of November, and after having a good morning with her and laying Ryan down to sleep, I laid down myself to sleep a little before having to pick up Casey from school.  My phone rang…the pediatrician’s office…Casey’s blood work came back with an abnormality…there goes that nap!  They told me that they would get ahold of her specialist in Loma Linda to get instructions and then call me back.  We had a great birthday party for her; she requested a strawberry cake with Mario on it, and strawberry ice cream.  She got her requested “laptop”, which turned out to be made by Vtech, thank heavens!!  Uncle Matt came and gave her a chocolate bar as big as her head, and he is supposed to be a doctor!  She went to sleep in her new Spiderman PJ’s with her Lightning McQueen laptop, a happy girl. 
 I didn’t sleep, as is normal for me when something is not right with my Casey; I fear that after seeing her in the hospital with tubes coming out of her I will always worry more about her than I ever will about Ryan.  The next morning I called her Endocrinologist in Loma Linda, told them what I had been told, and by the end of the day there was a new prescription waiting at the pharmacy and paperwork in the mail for a new blood test in 3 weeks.  I love Dr Mace and am so grateful for his promptness and care of my baby girl.
 On a side note I have discovered that I am tired, not just physically tired that comes with being a mom, overall tired; tired of stress, tired of difficulty, and generally tired of life.  I am tired of having “life” ruin my days, weeks, months, and this whole freaking year!  I am looking forward to so many things, but because life has been so hard on us this year I am afraid to speak them for fear that Satan will just use them to beat me down some more.  Yes I know, fear comes from Satan…but right now I just can’t take anymore.  I have an overwhelming desire to lock the doors and windows of the house and just hide in my bed until the storm subsides.  The hailstones are beating me so bad that I am starting to bleed and the headache no longer goes away.  My daughter is off school the week of Thanksgiving, I think I will hide then, as there will be no need to leave the house at that point.

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