Sunday, November 13, 2011

Candy Fruit

I have very much enjoyed the new version of the Thundercats that is now playing on the Cartoon Network on Friday nights.  We have them all recorded on our Tivo and watch them religiously.  One of the latest episodes did a whole revamp of the Berbils, for those of you who weren’t fans they are the robot bears that are hard to understand.  Anyway, the Thundercats were presented with their food or fuel of choice, candy fruit.  WilyKit and WilyKat were most pleased with this…and it didn’t take them long to become super-hyper with wide eyes, talking fast, and running around out of control.
I write about this because I have noticed a similarity to my son and Starburst.  We gave out Starburst for Halloween to the trick-or-treaters this year…and as we had such a demanding year last year my husband bought a box of them.  Needless to say we have some left…in a stuffed pumpkin with a hollowed out middle that we forgot about.  The little boy must have found them and kept bringing them to people in the house to unwrap for him…there are a lot of people in my house, so by the time we all realized what was going on he was running in circles and shaking his head back and forth laughing the whole time. 
He then brought some to his dad when he got home from work a few hours later, and his high had worn off…Ryane had given him about 4 before I got to him and told him to stop giving those to him.  He asked me why and all I had to say to him was “candy fruit”…he turned around to see him running in circles again.  *facepalm*
Now I am well aware of the studies that say that sugar does not make children hyper…but Starburst is candy fruit to my son, and he gets that same crazed look in his eyes!  He starts running and yelling and throwing stuff about.  And his level of mischief making quadruples!  I am pretty sure that the Great Cornholio is going to rear his ugly head and my son will have his shirt over his head running about the house asking if we are "threatening him".  But on the up side, we have discovered that this does bring about instant happiness, to be used to our advantage as much as we can stand it.  Here's to candy fruit, in whatever form it takes for you; may we use it to our advantage during our quest for sanity!

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