Monday, July 4, 2011

Boys are Filthy Leeches

I have noticed since having a son a trend that seems to go with boys that doesn’t go with girls…that being that boys are filthy leeches! 

But let me tell you why…I used to bathe Casey about 2 times a week at this age…with Ryan I have to bathe him every other day and that still isn’t enough.  I bathe him, get him out of the tub, put his diaper on, get his jammas on, then he has about 30 min or so before he goes to bed.  You would think in such a short time he couldn’t get that dirty, right?!  WRONG!!  I don’t even allow this child to have food or juice in that 30 min window…I don’t even let him go downstairs and play or outside either.  Somehow within 10 min this child is dirty again…HOW in the name of Zeus’ butt-hole does this happen?  I don’t have a dirty house…cluttered maybe, but not dirty.  The toys are gone through at least every other week to make sure there isn’t any food or ick in them.  I vacuum weekly, clean their rooms weekly, clean the bathrooms weekly…so where is this dirt coming from?  I have come to the conclusion that he is a dirt magnet, and my mother informed me that all boys are dirt magnets.  Hence my afore mentioned statement that boys are filthy leeches.  I am pretty sure that if there is a spec of dirt or dust within a 10 yard radius it flings itself upon my son…after his bath! 

Now onto the leech part of my statement; boys, unlike girls, are leeches!  My daughter was always independent, would play by herself and never really wanted to cuddle.  A fact that used to drive me up the wall, but now I am grateful for.  The Doctor pulled his huge head out of me and sewed his butt to my side…and since then he is only happy while he is sewn to me.  I can’t do anything anymore.  If I sit in a chair he stands next to it and screams, while I cook his breakfast he stands next to me and screams while pushing me, and when I clean the house he follows me around screaming.  Most of the time all I can do is sit on the floor while he sits upon me…if I lay on the floor he sits upon me…and when I sit on the floor and play a video game he alternates between sitting on my lap and giving me kisses.  Yes, I know it is so cute…it is what keeps him out of a stew pot!  He is a leech that is wearing a red headed, blue eyed, little boy suit!  Boys leech the very life out of their mothers.  Mine ripped me apart and ruined my body, and now he is leeching my very life blood out.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my son just as much as my daughter…he is my little man and I paid dearly to have him.  I realized last night as I was holding him and rocking him to sleep that boys, unlike girls, have to be taught to love.  Girls come to us from Heavenly Father with an inborn desire to nurture and to love, boys don’t.  Boys come to us as a potential ball of anger, frustration, and testosterone.  Love is something that only their mothers can teach them…and how does one go about teaching love?  We, women, who have love come naturally, given to us directly from God, have to discover the secret of teaching love.  I thought about this for some time as the tears flowed over my almost sleeping son; we teach love by first showing love.  And not just any love, the love of a mother is a pure, untainted, and unconditional love…exactly like the love of God. 
This is why boys are filthy leeches…so that we mothers are forced, if we are doing our job, to teach them love by loving them.  We can’t push them away, it just isn’t in our natures, we must gather them under our wings “as a hen gathereth her chicks” and love them forever.  “I’ll love you forever, I’ll love you for always, as long as you’re living my baby you’ll be!”  The trick is to remember this when they are eating the dog food, throwing our phones, and breaking our glasses.  Here’s to our filthy leeches and our love of them!  Love them with all that you are, cause someday God will expect us to answer for their care and shaping.  We have to shape them into responsible, hard-working, compassionate Priesthood bearers.  Here’s to our sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers…may we love them the way the Lord loves them!
All photos taken by Special Moments Photography


  1. Thanks, it has been coming for 16 months now!

  2. Thanks for sharing your insight. Boys really do need their mothers to learn love!
