Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dear tampon people…what the hell?

               I recently bought myself a new box of tampons as my birth control was at the end of the month and I was sure to start my period at anytime.  Imagine my surprise when, upon opening the first tampon, the plunger flew across the bathroom.  Thank heaven my toilet sits in what the English refer to as a “water closet”, meaning that my toilet has its own little room with a door.  Now I have had this happen may be once in a box of 40 tampons, so I dismiss this as my one time in this box.  An hour or so later when I head back to the bathroom it happens again…if tampons weren’t so expensive I would just throw them away, as threading the stupid plunger back through is a serious pain.  This is especially true when your 11 month old boy is currently eating the toilet paper.  This has continued to happen every time I “pop” one of these things open.  Please understand that my first 3 days are a pretty heavy flow, so by day 2 I am cursing at the top of my lungs every single time I have to open a tampon.  By day 3 I am just in tears.  My poor husband is nice enough not to come and ask; he just apologizes.  This is not his fault!  It is the fault of whatever pea-brained person redesigned the tampons!  Re-threading these things takes time and patience:  With children I have not the time, and with the period I have not the patience.  I have tried to discover a new way to open them, but have not yet discovered a way to get them open and yet retain the package intact to put the applicator back in so as not to get blood all over the toilet, bathroom floor, and my hands!  So here I am left to “pop” them open and have the plunger fly across the bathroom floor.  There was once that I couldn’t find where the damn thing flew to, and so was left to decide on throwing it away or not…I just threw it away.  This angers me greatly, and seems to me that if a company is going to charge that outrageous price, I should not be left cursing on the toilet because the product isn’t working properly.

Yours, most sincerely-
Cristy Jordan

On a side note:

I have tried all varieties of tampons in my time of having periods…and I have concluded that there are some fundamental truths when it comes to tampons.  1…Tampons should always have an applicator.  If you are wondering why that is, then go buy yourself some OB tampons and give their tampon “bullet/suppositories” a try.  I discovered that they are just disgusting and not really feasible in a public restroom situation.  If you aren’t understanding let me paint you a picture…imagine yourself on the 2nd day of your cycle.  You have been invited to a party or dinner in your husband’s honor that was planned months ago.  Here you sit in a fancy restaurant in your best evening gown; suddenly you feel that familiar sensation that tells you that you need to excuse yourself to the restroom to replace your tampon.  You think yourself so smart when you can slide the itty bitty thing into your hand and excuse yourself.  Now you have to insert that thing…on your 2nd day…with heavy bleeding…with your finger.  You have accomplished your mission only to realize that your evening gown is hiked up under your breasts, your hand is covered in ick and the sink with soap is on the other side of the stall door.  You are left with 2 choices, you can either try your best to wipe your hand with whatever is left on the tp roll, or you can get ick all over your gown…as the idea of going out to the sink with your gown up to your breasts and your panties around your ankles isn’t all that appealing.  That, I would think would defeat the whole image you are trying to get across to the people your husband works with.   With me, those tampons never made it into my shopping cart…I understood all this upon seeing that they don’t have an applicator.

2…Tampons should never have a cardboard applicator.  Cardboard applicators tend to stick when being inserted, thus bringing about pain and improper placement.  I have found that when the tampon is not in the right place you tend to both walk funny and have an odd look on your face.  I could never live with this and had to pull it out…dry.  These are not worth the pain, or the cost, as you end up going through 4 tampons just to get one that works just right.  You can always tell when a woman doesn’t quite have it in that perfect spot too, because they walk like they have a rocket ship where they shouldn’t and are unusually grumpy toward everyone!  I was the unfortunate victim of my mother buying me Tampax tampons the first time I had to use them.  Tampax tampons used to have a cardboard applicator and were twice as long as the other brands.  Needless to say my first experiences with tampons were not favorable ones, so the first time I used a plastic applicator I heard a holy choir singing in my head!  So there it is folks…I don’t give a rat’s behind about the environment and being green.  I want my expensive Playtex tampons with the plastic applicators, and I really don’t care about any environmental concerns anyone may have!

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