Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm done with this week...can we skip next week?

So my husband and I have stress...lots of stress!  We have a very dear friend who is always very helpful when we need him, and he called the other night and asked my husband if he could come and help his dad with a computer problem.  We came to discover that the server in his dental office crashed...which soon came to mean that the motherboard failed.  Well, a new server had to be obtained, as all the other computers in his office (there are 8) are utter crap running on at most 1/2 Gig of RAM.  Not one of them in the office could even handle having the patient files put on them.  My husband, after staying there until midnight and staying up at home, finally got one to at least see the patient files and schedule for Thursday morning.  He spent all day there on Thursday, until he went to work, and we spent all day there yesterday (thankfully he doesn't see patients on Friday).  Matt went to Costco and bought a new server computer Thursday afternoon, and we were there until midnight that night too.  We managed to get one of the programs working on all 8 computers by yesterday afternoon.  We thought we were getting to the end of this nightmare...then we had to call the stupid company that provides the software for the x-rays (he does digital x-rays).  This is also the same company that he pays every month to keep his computers up to date (yeah, I know, they aren't doing their job)...these idiots don't have any idea what they are doing!!  The whole point of having computers and digital x-rays in all the operating rooms is so the dentist can see the x-rays while working on the patient...they can't get the stupid program that they designed to communicate with the sever in order to see the x-rays.  So the Dr. can view the patient file, but not the x-ray!  The stupid person on the phone wouldn't admit that may be she didn't really know what to do...they aren't open on the weekend...Monday is coming and so are the patients!!!  My husband still has to go back today before work to get things ready to talk to them again on Monday...and we haven't slept for days!  Our children are angry and upset as they are really missing us...this is insane, and I am done with this week!!

The whole other issue I am having is that I have 1 offices.  Yeah...   Our family dentist has to prescribe me Valium just to get me in the office.  And here I am sitting in a dental office working on computers...greater love hath no Cristy than this...  Then there is the whole issue of my son deciding to cut 4 teeth overnight the other night (this is why we haven't slept).  He is the worst teether in the world!!  He teethes for about a month and then cuts them.  I am pretty sure he is going to be the death of me!!

So yeah...I am DONE with this week!! 

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