Monday, June 4, 2018

On the Occasion of my 40th Birthday

List 20 random facts about yourself: 

      1. I have a lifetime pass to Legoland.   2. I like to drive fast.  3. I'm an addict.  4. I love all things Disney.  5. I love toys, especially small ones.  6. I am a speed reader and will read almost anything once.  7. I love Mountain Dew and Iced Tea.  8. I have a service dog, my mental health companion.   9. I have a collection of McDonalds' toys and glasses.  10. I love tv and movies, I will watch almost anything once.   11. When I die I want daisies to be buried on my grave so that when I rise in the resurrection the first thing I see will be the undersides of daisies. 12. My 1 question for God:  did Adam and Eve have belly buttons? 13. My hands shake constantly and there are only 2 things that can make it stop, neither of which are the best solutions. 14. My husband and I play Magic The Gathering. 15. I have a 15 pound weighted blanket...I love it and call it blanket land. 16. I have 2 tattoos; both semicolon based. 17. I have an L4-L5 disc rupture and I live in constant pain. 18. I love video games. 19. I have an Italian daughter.  20. I play Dungeons & Dragons.

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and and explain how they became fears: 

Mice, I don't know how it became a fear but I will literally leave the house if there is one in it.  I am afraid of falling, not heights, just falling.  I am terrified of the dentist.  I was a child when my front tooth got broken, the dentist doing the repair was unable to get it completely numb and so screamed and threatened me, then proceeded to drill on the open nerve with me screaming until I passed out from the amount of pain I was in.  To this day I have to be almost falling down drunk with Valium just to get me in a dental office.

 Describe your relationship with your parents:

I would say pretty good...They are both still alive and living downstairs in our home; and love abounds!

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year old self, if you could:

      1.      Spend way more time in Huntington Beach, there is a red head there that is so worth your time!  2. The drink won't take the pain away, and the numbing effect will only lasts so long.  3. The sex may be fun, but it effects more than just you.  4. Remember your mother, always.  5. You can't drown yourself in a tub, the body’s built in will to survive is too strong.  6. In 2 weeks you will crash and burn because your body can't go any longer without sleep, no matter what you take.  7. Remember the wrestler, spend more time with him...he was fun.  8. Guys dig the 'stang, learn way more about it so you aren't just a skinny blonde in the 'stang, you know about it too!  9. Don't trust her, she will betray your trust so badly that it will feel as though your heart were ripped out through your back, with rusty spoons. 10. Take the therapy, get better, heal from it.

What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now:

My family, Streaming tv, my meds, coloring, & Barkley & Belle.

What is the hardest thing you have experienced: 

The leadership in my ward came after my kids...I nearly killed myself because how do you choose between your religion and the safety of your children.

 What is your dream job and why:  

Ok, so there are 2 things I would really want to do:  1-a psychological test administrator, cause I love doing fun things like finding out things about people that they didn't know about themselves!  Or 2- I want to work at a video game store so I can get great discounts on games.  So yeah either would be uber fun for me.

What are 5 passions you have:

Art in all its forms, music, mental health/ suicide awareness, the newborn screening, & Freedom. 

List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how:  

      1.      My mother in every way possible: how to be a mom and a good person.  2. My Granny: how to survive and be a real stand up woman.  3. My Dad:  taught me to always tell the truth and stand up for those who can't on their own.   4. Mickey Holmgren taught me that friendship depends on loyalty, not having things in common.  5. Bishop Rich Boden taught me how God loves, that I am always worthy of that love, and how to use Christ's atonement to become clean in the process of repentance.  6. Lowell Wayment taught me that we choose our family, and when we choose to be a part of each other's family...loyalty means more than anything else.  7. My husband Ryane taught me patience and that sarcasm has no place in a marriage.  8. Casey taught me that I have no control at all...not as a parent or as a human being.  9. Matt Wayment taught me that loyalty in friendship and family is complete, no matter what, and no matter why.  No questions asked, loyalties and secrets are held in confidence to death and beyond.  10. And she who must not be named taught me that when loyalty is broken the pain is worse than any physical pain the body can endure.  When trust is broken by way of false and malicious rumor it can never be repaired...and a 20+ year friendship becomes just more wood that burns with the bridge that I torched and happily walked away from.

    Describe your most embarrassing moment:  

Umpteen years of therapy have erased all these moments from my memories, but I'm sure I was both drunk and high at some point, and as has been pointed out to me drunk people are a hoot!

Describe 10 pet peeves you have:  

      1.      People who think depression is just a state of mind that you can walk in the woods to get rid of. 2. Judgey people. 3. People accusing me of things that I didn't do.  4. Asking me questions in the middle of a movie or a tv show. 5. Asking me if I'm mad over and over and over until I get mad. 6. Ignorance for the sake of the "political party". 7. People who question my honesty/integrity. 8. People who hate the poor. 9. When Kodi freezes and kicks me out when I am in the middle of a show.  10. A child that wakes me just when I fall asleep. 

Describe a typical day in your current life:

I get up early and get Casey ready and off to school, then I go back to bed, I get up a little later, eat, go get my kids from school, watch some tv, eat, do homework with Casey, more tv, I read to Casey, put kids in bed, lots more tv, and then bed for us.

    Describe 5 weaknesses you have:  

I am an addict, I am impatient, I tend to tell people the truth, I am really mean when someone makes me mad, and I am sarcastic when I shouldn’t be.

    Describe 5 strengths you have:  

Seeing people for who they are, empathy, a good listener, I am way laid back, and my ability to express myself.  

 If you were an animal, what would it be and why:

A bear because I will always respond as a mother bear to anything and everything thrown at me or to anyone who comes at me.  I will make the ground shake and walls tremble if someone hurts or comes between me and my children.  And heaven help the person who doesn’t flee my wrath, because I will rip them to shreds…small pieces that I will chew up and spit out as I walk away.

    What are your 5 greatest accomplishments:

Casey, Ryan, Matthew, A Bachelors degree in psychology, and my 12 year marriage.

    What is the thing you most wish you were great at: 

Being a mother

    What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive:

A complete betrayal of trust, and hurting my children.

    If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why:  

Wherever I am right now because if you constantly wish you are somewhere else then you can never allow yourself to be happy and enjoy where you are.  You will never see the beauty of where you currently live if you are constantly wishing you are somewhere else.

    Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood:  

The most significant memories that I can actually remember from childhood are not ones I want to talk about.  They are painful and life changing, but they are also yeah.

    If you could have 1 super power, what would it be and why: 

Telepathy…like Professor X.  That one took me way too long to decide on.

    Where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, 15years :  

I don't look that far ahead.  When you go through therapy you learn to live in the moment, for today and today only.  So 45, 50, and 55…yay!!

    List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them:  

1.      I freaking love creates zen in my world.  2. I love cross-stitching...because I can take something that most people overlook and make it into art.  3. Watching tv, because it’s all so simple somehow. 4. Gaming, lots of gaming. 5. Writing  

    Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now:  

My siblings were douchebags that used to throw me around because I was the youngest and smallest.  Now most of my siblings are still douchebags, but now I straight up tell them that and they leave me alone's fun to be educated and younger than all of their old sorry asses!

    If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat:  

Here is the problem with historical figures, when you view them through the eyes of history they look awesome and we put them on pedestals.  Unfortunately when we look back we already know what they accomplished, but if we sat down and had dinner with whatever person it is, odds are that they haven’t accomplished half of what made them so awesome that probably didn’t come to fruition until after they were dead anyway.   So I guess I don’t really have an answer to this question.

    What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong:  

That the world is going to hell, and that we live in the worst time in history.  There are so many great things going on right now in the world, and watching people all over the world discover that love is such a wonderful thing is one of them.

    What is your favorite part of your body and why:  

My boobs...I love my boobs...I love most boobs actually.  Except itty bitty boobies...there is nothing to hold onto.  Everyone should have boobs...boobs are awesome!!  I am not kidding.

    What is your love language:

I'm unclear what a love language is...I will look this up:  Right, so I took a test, apparently my "love language" is quality time.  Which after reading it makes me go DUH!!!  It seems to me after being married for 12 years that if quality time isn't a regular part of your weekly, then you won't be spending any time with said person for very long.  That is simple psychology 101.

    What do you think people misunderstand most about you:  

That I am arrogant:  I don't like talking about stupid things like the weather, I don't like when people ask me stupid questions and expect me to lie to them...I don't lie.  I'm an empath, I have the gift of discernment, and I have a degree in psychology...I am a human lie detector and lies make me physically ill.  I can see a lie; it is written all over a person's face, it's in the way they move, the way they speak, and it is evident in phone calls too.  Politeness is one thing, a lie is altogether something else, and for me it is a reason for trust to be removed and never put in a person again.  I cannot tolerate lies, this will never change.

    List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for:  

1.      My love of others. 2. The fact that I always told the truth...even if it irritated people. 3. That I stood up for those with mental illness. 4. How much I loved my children and fought for them. 5. That I am a good listener. 6.  My sense of humor. 7. My enormous amount of toys.  8. A piece of work that I have done.  9.  That I was fun to do things with.  10.  That I am a lover of art, and the finer things. 

    The next 10 will be favorites, things that you don't normally hear about:  

1:  Favorite smell; cucumber melon and my babies.  I routinely smell my children to be sure they are still mine. 
 2:  Favorite place to be touched; the small of my back when my sensation is good.  
 3:  Favorite eye candy; art masterpieces…Van Gogh and Picasso are a few of my favorite things!!  4:  Favorite superhero; Wonder Woman…ever since I was a little girl watching Linda Carter in her invisible jet to watching that horrific Batman Vs Superman just to get a sneak peak at her.  
 5:  Favorite kind of chips; BBQ.  
 6:  Favorite app; Disney’s Magic Kingdoms…I have been playing this game for a long time and I have spent real and serious money on this, you see I have this overwhelming desire to have all the characters.   
7:  Favorite flavor; Orange.  
 8:  Favorite Cartoon; Thundercats ’83 was by far the best version, however I greatly enjoyed the background the new cartoon gave on the story.  Also Voltron ’84 because you can’t do better than the original in this case.  I have and do watch the Netflix reboot, and though I cannot forgive the pilot confusion and gender bending and additional weaponry (hello shoulder cannon?), I much enjoy the added humor…”hello nice cow, please give me a milk shake?”. 
 9:  Favorite Disney character; I have always preferred the villains…so Prince John, Madam Mim, Maleficent, Shere khan, and Cruella DeVille.  I probably identify more with a villain and less with the princess.  Although my favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid and Ariel is great, I still love Ursula better.  
 10:  Favorite Quote;  “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” –Mother Theresa

If you think that I didn't plan that quote at the end, then you don't know me at all.  I make no secret of who I am or where I have been...I am by no means perfect.  I didn't come from perfect and I am certainly NOT raising perfect, and I put up no illusions.  I have almost slit my wrists more than a few times in my life, but I have always made the hard choice and stayed.  I live in the moment and every moment to its fullest, and my babies are my everything and more.  I will never apologize for who I am or what I stand for...and I will end you if you come at my cubs, that is not a threat...that is a promise.  My children are learning to make their own decisions and reap their own consequences, don't ever look to me to tell them what to choose when they are perfectly capable.  Choice is a God-given right...I am not God and I will not take that away.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading this! I'll always love you for being such a champion of speaking out about mental illness, it's definitely helped me be comfortable in my own skin living with OCD and depression. You are an amazing person Cristy!!
