Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Slightly Insane

First I should probably state that stress has caused me to become slightly insane…not like raving lunatic, but not quite all there either.  Trust me, I know a thing or two about insanity.  I had been considering for some time that I wanted to once again be blonde…I was blonde once, before children.  After much stress I suddenly decided I was doing it, so I got my sister and we went shopping…we came home with bleach and pink dye.  My mother was wandering about muttering things to herself while making sure dad wasn’t reaching behind himself.  A few hours later I had bleach blonde hair…and I looked at myself in the mirror and went “holy crap!  What did you do…and do we like it?”.  After a few weeks it has been determined that I do like it, and I am contemplating where to put the pink.  Remember I said that I was slightly insane.
 All this came before my husband’s car had to be towed home, the “whatever the problem” was has failed, the problem comes because we never knew what the problem was to begin with.  2 mechanics gave it back to us and said to bring it back when it fails…well it has failed and we don’t have money to take it to the mechanics.  Then my car suddenly ate a spark plug and spit off the fancy air filter that Jasone had put on who knows how long ago…yes, that would be 2 cars not running.  So, new air filter and spark plug…my husband takes it to class while I drive his mother’s car to Ryan’s therapy.  I was walking out the door to get gas in her car after the kids were in bed and my husband calls to tell me that the battery is dead in my car…he can’t get home…come rescue him.  Jumper cables in hand I get into my mother-in-law’s car…a Ford Focus…4 banger…to try and jump my 8 cylinder Thunderbird.  Yes I know, I should have thought that through further…after coming back to the house to get my parents truck for MORE power we finally get it jumped even though I discover that the truck has a battery that looks like it shrunk in the wash. 
Meanwhile we got a letter from the City of San Jacinto telling us that our front yard is in serious disrepair and that we will be fined if it doesn’t improve by the 22nd of October.  After screaming a lot about the reason the yard is in disrepair and the fact that you can’t plant anything right now, I spent time cleaning the house most violently before I called them to explain the situation…getting absolutely nowhere!  We are now attempting to make the front weeds green by watering again, this meant we have to turn the sprinklers on.  We discover that the dipsticks that live next door, who probably complained to the city about us, broke our sprinkler line when they put their stupid wall in and didn’t tell us.  My husband dug it out and capped it, then he tells me to stand over the hole and make sure it isn’t leaking while he turns it on…needless to say it wasn’t leaking and the sprinklers came on fine, and made me wet.  Next time he tries that I am going to just walk right back into the house!
Also, the fuzzy turd of a cat has discovered that he can jump to the top of the fence and can therefore get out of the back yard.  Despite our attempts and lectures to the contrary, he still goes out front to sit upon the porch.  This is stressing the old man a lot!  And the last thing we want is for the fuzzy turd to go missing, because someone will find it necessary to bring the old man a new one, and I will end up divorced.  I love my husband, and would rather not lose him.
Oh, and did I mention that I got a parking ticket in the parking garage at St Bernadine’s while I took my kids to see their Grandpa who just had open heart surgery?!  Yeah, well I did…for not displaying the current tags…that I hadn’t gotten in the mail yet to display.  I sent a letter to them requesting compassion and understanding given the current situation that my family was in…and I didn’t say anything about the fact that it was in very poor taste for a cop to be trolling a hospital parking structure looking for people to give tickets too.  Is the city so hard up for money that they go looking for people who are already feeling horrible and are under a large amount of stress?  “Let’s look to give parking citations to people parked in the hospital parking lot because they are already feeling like crap.”  Anyway I just got the response to my request to review the ticket…apparently your father almost dying is NOT good enough reason to not have the tags on your car when you haven’t yet received them in the mail…and they tacked a $35 fee on it because I asked.  I can’t afford to pay the ticket right now so I am sure they will issue a warrant and by the time I can get it paid I will already be in jail…yay for me!
I am pretty sure that I am just not going to catch a break this year!  We even had to cancel our trip to Universal Studios for our anniversary this year…so what do we get to do?  Stay home and take care of the children who are part of the reason that I am slightly insane right now.  Yay for us!  So here’s to getting pelted with lemons.  Here’s to NOT catching a break.  And here’s to not drinking myself silly!

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