Saturday, April 14, 2012


 First I have to say that my Casey bug has never been what you would call a girly girl…only in the past few months has she even played with anything that had fake hair, like her ponies.  Before she hated the whole fake hair thing, and adamantly refused to even touch any doll or toy that had it.  But she isn’t a boy either…by that I mean that boys are fundamentally different from girls.  Boys are downright aggressive…and violent…and destructive!  Wow…that sounds terrible, but it is true.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my boy…immensely, but wow!
 My 2 year old son is using his head as a ramming tool, a prying tool, and a hitting tool.  This is a recent development, and I am not in love with it!  When he runs at you, you brace for impact knowing that it is gonna hurt.  You don’t dare step aside because he won’t stop and he will hit a wall, or door, or grandparent.  We parents must protect the old folks from the bashing…but I am pretty sure that my kidneys have found a way to cower up in my rib cage.  He has recently taken favor with climbing into our office chairs behind us and rams his head into our backs then pushes with his feet to quickly and without delay shove us out of our chairs.  And just the other day he was using his head to hit me…I have, on accident, banged my head against his…it is as hard as a brick wall!  No wonder the Dr tells me I am having migraines.  My Casey bug never did these things.
 My son is in love with the garage…why you may ask, because that is where the tools are kept.  In the morning he goes through the whole breakfast thing and what not just to get Grandpa to take him to the garage.  As soon as Grandpa stands up and heads toward his room, Ryan is hot on his tail to grab his finger and lead him to his shoes so that he can go into the garage or outside.  Grandpa has had to put a large heavy grinder on the tool box so that Ryan can’t get in.  Ryan knows where Grandpa keeps his plug in power tools too, because we have very often found him inside trying to plug in the drill or using the sander to sand the carpet.  The louder the tool is, the better he likes it…he even yells while it is on, so he can participate.  He came to me today smelling like dirty tools…it was disgusting.
 Any and all dirt within a 10 foot radius of my son must fling itself upon him…and stick!  He is impossible to keep clean, and screams at me when I attempt to clean him off.  He goes outside every day to dig in the dirt…I don’t understand why, unless he is digging for bugs…oh the thought of that is giving me a headache.  We got him a dump truck for his birthday so that at least he can move the dirt that he digs up.  I was watching some tv this evening, only to find a shovel sitting in my house…really?!  Now I am subjected to dirty things being brought into my house which I am so diligently spending all my time cleaning?!
 It is never enough to be near me, he must be on me…and not just on me, on my head if I am lying down.  I can not be doing anything else while he is on my lap either…like checking my phone or playing a game or reading a book.  He can’t play next to me while I am doing something, like on the computer…he must grab my arm and take me away.  And if that doesn’t work the afore mentioned pushing out of my chair takes place.  My girl was content to watch tv and play by herself, and even if we bothered her she would get angry and push us away.  I think she only came to us if she needed food.  Girls are so independent…boys on the other hand are the most dependent creatures on earth!
 I believe I mentioned destructive earlier…my little boy has started throwing things, and by things I mean everything he can get his hands on!  Especially if he is frustrated or upset.  I try to give him his paci when he is crying…he takes it and chucks it at me.  If he is not in the mood for whatever it is that you have put in front of him to eat, he gets angry and throws his food at the dog…which is why the dog is devoted to him.  This is greatly distressing me, as I have disciplined him in the same way I used when Casey started throwing things.  He picked up our xbox remote the other day and chucked it at the tv…it’s a good thing he is still a bad shot.  He throws toys at other kids in nursery!
 BOYS!!!  This is exasperating!  It is really good that he wasn’t the first born, because I never would have agreed to another one!  And I know, he is the future…he will be a priesthood bearer one day…I am his mother, and am expected to teach him how to deal with his violent tendencies.  I am a tired mom with a huge home to clean and old folks to worry about…why do I have to have an angry young boy too?  It is at this point that God is putting in my head all the reasons why I love my son…so thanks for slapping me, Heavenly Father!
 I don’t think I fully understood why God’s plan is the way it is until I had my son.  I now understand in living color why Adam needed Eve, and why it is “not good for man to be alone”…boys can’t become good men without a loving mother.  Men can’t really function well in life and be happy without a supportive wife by their side who loves them in ways their mothers never could.  And honestly, I think we, as women, love to be needed and having someone to care for.  My son is exasperating, but my life would be empty without him in it.  I would never have understood the love between a mother and her sons without having that little red-haired menace!  So here’s to our boys, may we not scream too loud when we find the frog in their underpants!

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